4156 Old S.R.261 Newburgh, Indiana 47630 812-842-0455
Newburgh Christian School
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Equipping all our students to achieve their full potential...




Provides a solid foundation in Bible knowledge and application. Students will learn how the Bible gives clear answers and directions for successfully facing every aspect of life: stewardship, career success, family relationships, personal ethics, defending the faith and community responsibilities. 




Focuses on the basic doctrines of the Bible, carefully crafted into age-appropriate lessons with strong emphasis on the application of truth to daily lives. Examines the doctrines of God, the Bible, man, sin, salvation, and Christ. Written primarily for 11th graders in a Christian School or Christian home school. The Student Edition, sold separately, includes both semesters combined into one volume.



Focuses on helping students understand God's redemptive plan for man, see how it unfolds in Scripture, and embrace their roles in it. Students will trace the implementation of God's plan from pre-creation to the unfolding of heaven, emphasizing the connections between the events and their meaning for today's world. Each chapter engages students in personal study and application of Scripture.




Uses a computer/information age theme to teach students how they can look to the life and teachings of Christ as a blueprint for how they live their lives. Gives students the tools, examples, and motivation to make their life quest to be more like Jesus. 

Understanding the Times
This class will help students clearly understand the tenets of the Christian worldview and how it compares with the tenets of other leading worldviews of our day: Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxism, New Age, and Postmodernism.
Some of the issues covered include: abortion, apologetics, the arts, biotechnology, critical thinking, cults, euthanasia, leadership, radical environmentalism, radical feminism, the problem of evil, religious pluralism, scriptural reliability, and more.
 Church History




 Intermediate Course B will continue to prepare students for mathematics at the high school level. Algebra and geometry strands are developed in a sequential, thorough manner that builds on the concepts and skills presented in the elementary school. Students will be challenged with real-life connections in each of the following areas: • Concept understanding • Skill development • Mathematical thinking • Strategies for problem solving The Transformed Lives feature contains testimonies of adults, encouraging students in their personal walk with Jesus Christ.    
Algebra I: Structure and Method
Algebra II: Structure and Method
Language Arts
Physical Science - Matter and Energy
Presents science as the systematic study of Gods design in the physical creation. Teaches fundamental properties and behavior of matter and energy with a focus on their chemical and physical interactions; includes application to familiar processes and devices. Provides a basic introduction to the mathematical aspects of science. Lays a firm foundation for future studies in chemistry, physics, and other fields while teaching students the Christian perspective of science.
This course is  a college-prep biology course that provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology. Heavily emphasizing the vocabulary of biology, it provides the student with a strong background in the scientific method, the five-kingdom classification scheme, microscopy, biochemistry, cellular biology, molecular and Mendelian genetics, evolution, dissection, and ecosystems. It also provides a complete survey of the five kingdoms in Creation. Students who take and understand this course will be very well-prepared for a tough university biology course.
This course is designed give the student a rigorous foundation in chemistry, in order to prepare him or her for a college-level course. The course covers significant figures, units, classification, the mole concept, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, Lewis structures, molecular geometry, the gas laws, and equilibrium. Students who take and understand this course will be very well-prepared for a tough university chemistry course. In order to be able to understand this text, the student needs to have completed algebra I.
This course is designed for the student who has completed algebra and has had an introduction to the definitions of sine, cosine, and tangent. It provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general physics, heavily emphasizing vector analysis; this text is ideal preparation for a university-level physics course. It provides the student with a strong background in one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion, Newton’s laws and their application, gravity, work and energy, momentum, periodic motion, waves, optics, electrostatics, electrodynamics, electrical circuits, and magnetism.

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Advanced Biology
This is an advanced biology course.  In order to take this course, the student MUST have completed a first-year biology course AND a first-year chemistry course. It covers both the anatomy and the physiology of the human body’s 11 organ systems in detail.
Advanced Chemistry
This chemistry course is designed to be taken after a college-preparatory chemistry course such as Exploring Creation with Chemistry.  The course includes detailed discussions of stoichiometry (with limiting reactants), thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, orbital hybridization, molecular orbitals, molecular geometry, chemical equilibrium, and nuclear chemistry. The student also receives an introduction to organic chemistry, focusing on the major functional groups, organic nomenclature, and polymer chemistry. 


    World Geography

Geography skills and principles are introduced in the first five chapters of the book and then reinforced through a survey of American and world geography.
U.S. History
The American Republic covers early American history and  content  focuses on The Sixties: Nation in Crisis  a complete survey of the Civil Rights movement, the Vietnam War, and the Nixon administration; Rise of the Right, chronological survey of the rise of the New Right with expanded coverage of Reagan and Bush; and Bridge to the 21st Century Clinton's domestic controversies, the Republican Revolution, impeachment, and global uncertainties. Colorful spreads throughout the book highlight American society and geography, history skills, and time lines.
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World History
 World History  guides the student through the story of history from the dawn of civilization to the present world. Students are encouraged to explore the past and delve in to the twists and turns of world history through relevant activities and class discussions. The text emphasizes how a Christian worldview affects the study of history, illustrating the crucial nature of viewing history through the lens of the Bible. World History provides an essential survey key to future study.
American Government
Prepares students for responsible citizenship with a discussion of the principles and mechanics of a constitutional republic. The curriculum provides insight on a variety of topics such as the three branches of government, political parties, elections, foreign policy, and more, all from a biblical perspective.




Introduces and explores key principles of economics from household purchases to the stock market. Each chapter includes personal finance sections which explain important economic principles and provide practical information about budgeting, banking, debt, credit and interest. Students will also learn about issues related to national economic systems and policies.